Pet peeves. Everyone has them. One of my biggest ones is when people use a few choice words incorrectly.
1) The first word is nauseous. When someone says, "I'm nauseous." What they are saying is, "I make other people sick." The correct form of the word, nausea, is to say, "I feel nauseated."
2) The next word that makes my brain feel like nails on a chalk board is karma. Now, I know it is mostly because a lot of people are not familiar with Hinduism, and only mimic what they hear. That does not excuse the fact that people are mistaking karma with dharma and The Golden Rule. If you don't know what The Golden Rule is, then you probably have A) Never been to church, B) Haven't had lessons in morality, or C) Are just a very bad person. The Golden Rule states, "Do Unto Others as You Would Have Done Unto You." BASICALLY, don't be a jerk if you don't want other people to be a jerk to you. Dharma is someone's essential character and conforming to who that character is supposed to be; whereas, karma is what you accrue when you do or don't follow your dharma. For example, if your dharma in this life were to be a teacher but you wanted to go out for being a singer instead, then you would accrue bad karma for not following your dharma. Comprende? So, then in your next life, for getting bad karma, your dharma would be to be something less than a teacher and you would be one step lower on the ladder from enlightenment. Now that I have explained it all, please don't mix it up any more or I might have to kick you in the shins.
3) The next word isn't so much a word, as an idea. It's the idea of soul mates. Now, I don't necessarily believe that anyone's belief of this word is wrong, but I refuse to believe that there is just one soul mate out there for me. Especially if that soul mate has, died, married the wrong person or screwed up so badly we are destined to be on star crossed paths for the rest of this life. Does that mean that I'm never allowed to experience that kind of happiness for a simple twist of fate? I can't believe that. So, when I asked around, I got varying ideas on the concept, none of which I consider wrong. It's like asking someone what they believe about God. These are answers in which no one can be sure of because none of us have the same manual entitled, "All the answers to the hard questions."
When I asked my best friend, she told me that she doesn't believe that soul mates are pre-destined, but that when you meet someone whom you want to be with forever, then you make them your soul mates. I asked my cousin, and she said that she doesn't believe in them straight out. I don't think that this is wrong either. She is a lot more logical than I. I still watch Disney Princess movies for crying out loud and think, "Yeah, I'm almost 24, but that can still happen to me." I learned from someone whom I believe to be one of my soul mates, that you have more than one out there. You have soul mates for friends, family, and loves of your life. I used to be of the school that there was only one out there, but that just cannot be. My belief in soul mates correlates to my belief about fate. Fate shows you multiple doors to go through and you choose which one. I don't believe that fate has all your life destined and mapped out for you. That belief would erase all existence of free will. We can't get rid of that either. I could be wrong about all my beliefs in this department, but as someone who was once very close to me said constantly, "Who knows?"
Song of the Day: "Star Crossed" by Scary Kids Scaring Kids/"Sleeping with Ghosts" by Placebo
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